For the first time on Nintendo DS, experience the fun of Cartoon Network’s hit show Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends. Play as head mischief maker Blooregard Q. Kazoo and rescue Madame Foster from the clutches of the diabolical Space Nut Boogies. In Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends: Imagination Invaders, Goo has done it yet again…her overactive imagination has conjured up a group of cosmic invaders, the Space Nut Boogies.
Play as mischief-maker Blooregard Q. Kazoo and explore the Foster’s house, from the attic down to the kitchen. Get a little help from your imaginary friends with special moves from Wilt, Eduardo, Mac and Coco help Bloo progress through the mansion.
Experience a fully 3D version of Foster’s and enjoy the mischief, humor and outrageous fun of the show. Play through three stylus-based mini-games as you venture through the house and take on the Space Nut Boogies.
Interact with Cheese, Imaginary Man, Jackie Khones, and more of your favorite imaginary friends as you complete side quests
Shoot spit wads to distract guards, disable cameras, and trigger puzzle elements
Search through Foster’s to find disguises and other helpful items to get past the patrolling Space Nut Boogies and locate “The Greatest Thing in the Universe”
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